Supporting a mental health education programme for an inclusive society

Although the psychiatric reform of recent years has emphasized the creation of community-level care structures, major shortcomings persist – both in infrastructure and in the use of modern methodologies that facilitate social inclusion.

At the same time, in Europe, therapeutic methods based on the models of Recovery –an anthropocentric approach to participatory rehabilitation– and Co-production, in which the treated patients have the place of equal partners in the process that includes the design of the services as well as their provision and evaluation, have become extremely popular.

Bodossaki Foundation supports the Panhellenic Association for Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Work Reintegration (PEPSAEE), in order to create a program for the education and training of mental health professionals, informal caregivers and recipients of mental health services, based on the models of Recovery and Co-production, in collaboration with the Greek Carers Network EPIONI and the Association for Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Greek Mental Health Organizations “Argo”.


The Panhellenic Association for Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Work Reintegration (PEPSAEE) is a Scientific – Non-Profit Association founded in 1997. Its purpose is to support the smooth social integration of psychosocially challenged individuals.