The Points of Support Programme is designed for Greek private non-profit and volunteer organisations, as well as social cooperative enterprises. The Programme seeks both to support original small-scale projects with maximum social impact for the benefit of vulnerable social groups and to empower and build the capacity of these civil society organisations (CSOs).

The ‘Points of Support’ Programme is a collaborative initiative of the John S. Latsis Public Benefit, the Bodossaki Foundation, the Captain Vassilis & Carmen Constantakopoulos Foundation, the A. G. Leventis Foundation, the A.C. Laskaridis Foundation, the Costas M. Lemos Foundation, The Social and Cultural Affairs Welfare Foundation (KIKPE), The Hellenic Initiative Canada, the Athina I. Martinou Foundation and the Helidoni Foundation.

The Programme’s 7th Cycle will provide ten thousand euros (€10,000) per project in order to support, for a duration of up to eight (8) months, a maximum of thirty-six (36) projects, each falling under one of the following subject areas, as defined by the Programme’s sponsors:

I. Social Integration of People with Disabilities (John S. Latsis Public Benefit Foundation)
II. Child and Health (Captain Vassilis & Carmen Constantakopoulos Foundation)
III. Prevention and Promotion of Adult Health (Public Benefit Foundation of Social and Cultural Work – KIKPE)
IV. Combating Poverty and the Food Crisis (Hellenic Initiative Canada)
V. Environmental Protection

  1. Protection of Flora and Fauna in Urban and Suburban Environments (A.G. Leventis Foundation)
  2. Protection of Aquatic Ecosystems: Lakes, Rivers and Wetlands (Athanasios C. Laskaridis Charitable Foundation)
  3. Protection of Forest and Other Terrestrial Ecosystems(Costas M. Lemos Foundation)VI. Social Innovation in Small Seaside Local Communities (Athina I. Martinou Foundation)
    VII. Sustainable Cities and Communities (Helidoni Foundation)

In addition to the grants, the Programme also covers free participation of the organisations in capacity building activities, which will be funded and implemented by Social Dynamo, the NGO hub of the Bodossaki Foundation.