The Bodossaki Excellence Award has been established to pay tribute to and raise the public profile of Greeks who have devoted their lives to science and whose outstanding performance and important work have made a particularly significant contribution to the advancement of their scientific disciplines. The purpose of the Excellence Award is to make known to the public internationally acclaimed Greek scientists active in Physical Sciences and Mathematics as well as in Technological, Biomedical and Social Sciences, who can be genuine role models for society and a source of national pride.

Between 2002, when the Bodossaki Excellence Award was first introduced, and 2011, it was awarded to seven internationally acclaimed Greek scientists, which you can see here. Following the Foundation’s decision in 2022 to revive the Excellence Award institution, the award ceremony took place on Tuesday, June 25, 2024. You can see the announcement of the 2024 Bodossaki Excellence Award Laureates here.

The key body supporting the institution of the Bodossaki Excellence Award is the Excellence Award Committee. For information on their work and responsibilities, see here.

Awarded every two years, the Excellence Awards relate to two scientific fields (‘active fields’) from those listed below:

  • Physical Sciences and Mathematics
  • Technological Sciences
  • Biomedical Sciences
  • Social Sciences

The Bodossaki Foundation presents two Excellence Awards every two years, each accompanied by a monetary prize of €100,000.

Each Excellence Award is awarded to one scientist only. Eligible candidates are Greek – by nationality or descent – scientists who must be alive at the time their receipt of the Award is announced, with no limit applying as to their age.

By accepting the Excellence Awards, the recipients agree to assist the Foundation in its activities, primarily by participating in scientific committees, if requested to do so.

Invitation of nominations for the Bodossaki Excellence Award

The Excellence Award Committee sends invitations to hundreds of distinguished scientists, university professors, and academic and scientific institutions in Greece and abroad, inviting them to nominate candidates for the Excellence Award. The persons invited to nominate candidates are selected in such a way as to achieve the widest possible geographic and scientific representation.

Nominations submitted by the candidates themselves are not accepted.