RAISE EU – Rights Awareness and Information Services for Enhancing EU Values

Partner: A.S.P.I.DA.
Call: Protecting and Promoting EU rights and values
Project Duration: 10 months
Budget: 59.999,96€
Country: Greece
Location: Athens, Thessaloniki, Ioannina

The project aims to empower beneficiaries of international protection and enhance their legal status by providing support and information services regarding their rights and EU values. The goal is to make them legally aware, ensuring their effective participation in host communities as rights-bearing individuals and future EU citizens. Additionally, the project seeks to raise awareness among local and public actors, maximizing the potential for equal enjoyment of rights for the target group, including access to the labor market, housing, health, and education.

Target groups:

Ιndividuals who have been recognized as beneficiaries of international protection.

Funded by the European Union. 
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