Support for the Y-Educational Trip and E-Bootcamp programmes

The Y-Educational Trip gives Greek university students the opportunity to visit leading academic institutes world wide, and gain new perspectives and knowledge, which they will be able to apply in their own academic environment. These students will have the chance to attend lessons, lectures and seminars, relevant to their academic interests, visit leading technological companies and research centers in Silicon Valley, San Francisco, Boston and Atlanta. The aim of this initiative is to show the interaction of universities with innovative networks and how this contributes to their leading position. As well as provide participants with experience and knowledge useful in their academic studies. The E-Bootcamp is aimed at undergraduates and postgraduates who have an innovative business idea and want to implement it. Participants will have the opportunity to present their business plan at the E-Bootcamp organized by Stanford University and meet founding members of companies, entrepreneurs and investors from Silicon Valley as well as visit renowned and newly formed companies like Tesla, Google, Electronic Arts.


As the first organisation established in Greece for the structured and systematic management and development of innovation clusters, Corallia works in the field of cohesive and productive innovative ecosystems within which actors operate in a coordinated manner, in specific sectors and regions of the country, and where a competitive advantage and export orientation exists.